Why it Matters
As Toronto looks to address climate change and improve resiliency, local communities need to be engaged in developing solutions that serve community priorities. Community hubs are buildings which provide a central access point for essential community services and supports. Residents use this vital space to engage in civic, cultural and recreational activities. Building on existing resources and relationships, hubs are uniquely positioned to engage new voices in developing climate-related projects that achieve environmental, social equity and community goals.
About the Project
Our team conducted a feasibility assessment to explore the role of community hubs in mobilizing low-carbon communities. We engaged hub-affiliated residents and staff to gather insights on the potential for hubs to seed climate-related initiatives in their communities. We explored opportunities for achieving community benefits such as enhancing public health, creating new job opportunities, improving housing conditions, and providing greater accessibility to different transportation options.
Project objectives
Identify community-specific needs and interests that connect with climate
Hold a forum with hub staff and community members to explore the potential role of hubs in developing low-carbon communities
Produce a set of recommendations on how hubs and their community groups can be supported and resourced to do this work
Ultimately, this project aims to enable hub staff and community members to envision hubs as a launch point that supports residents in developing community solutions to climate change. We will share the results of this exploration with policymakers and prospective funders as a key input for achieving the City of Toronto’s Mobilizing Low-Carbon Communities campaign.
Feasibility Assessment Report
Enviromentum is happy to announce that the results of the first phase of this work are now available! Our report is publicly available for you to read at the download link at the top of this page.
Enviromentum collaboratively delivers the Hub Project with the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) and the Toronto Community Benefits Network (TCBN). This project is supported by The Atmospheric Fund (TAF).